
I need help with my qualifications of going into Princeton or Harvard!?

by Shaojin+AT

Question by CutieBear: I need help with my qualifications of going into Princeton or Harvard!? Hello~ I am a twelve year old girl and my dream has always been that one day I would go to Princeton… Continue reading

Physical Therapist Career Information : Physical Therapist Qualifications

Qualifications for being a physical therapist include the proper education from a physical therapy program, as well as good personal skills. Learn about physical therapist qualifications with tips from an experienced physical therapist in this free video on career information.… Continue reading

Q&A: What kind of qualifications makes a book something film-makers like to base their movie?

by the longhairedgit

Question by Ezra: What kind of qualifications makes a book something film-makers like to base their movie? Just wondering, what makes any novel a story that film-makers would like to use for they’re hollywood project? has… Continue reading

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