Q&A: What kind of qualifications makes a book something film-makers like to base their movie?

Question by Ezra: What kind of qualifications makes a book something film-makers like to base their movie?
Just wondering, what makes any novel a story that film-makers would like to use for they’re hollywood project? has it got something to do with popularity like the Harry Potter or twilight series? or what? How do they make the decision to make a movie based on any particular novel?

Best answer:

Answer by lulusmiley2000
I think it’s all in preference. It may be something that was commercially extremely successful such as Harry Potter or The Da Vinci Code or it may just be that a random filmmaker/screenwriter came across a book that they loved and it inspired their work so they decided to make a film out of it. I mean, The Girl With the Pearl Earring wasn’t nearly as commercially successful as Harry Potter, but that was made into a movie. Sometimes it seems that it’s an unspoken agreement. Is it just me or is nearly EVERY Stephen King book made into a movie?

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