
Golden retriever Puppy falling asleep

My beautiful puppy thought sleeping on the stairs was a good idea (our bigger dog does it) it proved to be a bit of a challenge though. Here is cooper today: UPDATE: I can’t take the credit for the… Continue reading

Q&A: Do you know the tooth fairy movie where she puts kids asleep with a carpet selling ad?

by Sarahnaut

Question by the_s3th: Do you know the tooth fairy movie where she puts kids asleep with a carpet selling ad? There’s this tooth fairy movie that i know i used to watch when i was a kid.… Continue reading

The Stop Drop & Roll Sleep Command To Fall Asleep Fast – Lucidology 101 Part 3/12

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How can I fall asleep instantly?

Question by Anthony Cesar: How can I fall asleep instantly? I want to know if there is a way to make yourself fall asleep almost instantly, I’m saying like within 1-30 seconds.

I was watching this nigthmare on elm… Continue reading

Make Money Online While Your Asleep

by Mad African!: (Broken Sword)

Make Money Online While Your Asleep

Have you ever wondered this question and we are sure that you have, how can I make money while I am asleep. This is a great question and many… Continue reading

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