
TeamBay – My Way shortfilm

A new shortfilm is finally finished. This shortfilm is dedicated to my girlfriend as a birthday present. Finally, I managed to make a youtube version out of it. The film is about how I overcome several obstacles to make my… Continue reading

Twilight Code 1/2 – shortfilm (L.Libertino) Italy 2007

Una forza oscura, servendosi di un “codice del crepuscolo”, minaccia il benessere della società umana. Packed products’ labels lie, and staying up is just a kind of a less naïve sleep. Images from tv are just lessons about fear we… Continue reading

Spanishcinema (a shortfilm by César Sabater, 2010)

A scriptwriter comes into the office of a Spanish film producer to sell his latest script. Best Shortfilm in Mostra Valencia 2010. Video Rating: 5 / 5

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