
Q&A: How do I avoid copyright infringement if the movie I’m making has characters using specific types ofcomputers?

Question by : How do I avoid copyright infringement if the movie I’m making has characters using specific types ofcomputers? I’m making a movie that revolves around 5 characters using computers and cell phones to communicate. I’m worried about lots… Continue reading

When you download a movie from a service you’ve subscribed to is that copyright infringement?

Question by : When you download a movie from a service you’ve subscribed to is that copyright infringement? You will not be selling it or charging admission or making any copies. If it is, how can these services get away… Continue reading

Q&A: When making a game out of a movie or book, is it still copyright infringement if you offer the game for free?

by Kayzig

Question by Donnie: When making a game out of a movie or book, is it still copyright infringement if you offer the game for free?

Best answer:

Answer by EarlI don’t think it is considered copyright… Continue reading

Is it copyright infringement to design and sell t-shirts with quotes from movies and songs on it?

by the longhairedgit

Question by dana m: Is it copyright infringement to design and sell t-shirts with quotes from movies and songs on it? I want to design a line of t-shirts and, obviously, try to sell them. Some… Continue reading

Copyright Infringement

by maxymedia

Copyright Infringement


Copyright subsists in original literary dramatic musical and artistic works. Concept of originality means the originality in expression of the ideas and not in origin of the ideas. Further, it must originate from the author… Continue reading

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