
Why don’t liberals ever complain about the amount of money sports stars and movie stars make or Oprah?

Question by : Why don’t liberals ever complain about the amount of money sports stars and movie stars make or Oprah? Or Lady Ga Ga money?

But they complain about the pay that CEOs make?

Best answer:

Answer by Snot… Continue reading

Is 250GB hard drive on a laptop a good enough amount of space… im just looking for a simple laptop?

by 4lfie

Question by Proud Mommy: Is 250GB hard drive on a laptop a good enough amount of space… im just looking for a simple laptop?

Watch DVD movies, listen to CDs and create custom DVDs and CDs… Continue reading

What is the average amount of money a movie makes in theatres?

by tobybarnes

Question by HORTEM: What is the average amount of money a movie makes in theatres?

Best answer:

Answer by FarstriderIt varies widely from movie to movie, from 10s of thousands to past 500 million. If you… Continue reading

Why do they use the amount of money a movie makes to gauge its popularity.?

by illuminaut

Question by Michael H: Why do they use the amount of money a movie makes to gauge its popularity.? Inflation rates would skew any validity to comparing the popularity of two movies by examining how much money… Continue reading

I have invested some amount in equity / share market of india.?

Question by Romio: I have invested some amount in equity / share market of india.? I have invested some amount in equity / share market of india. As my scripts are giving me good return i want to withdraw… Continue reading

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