What goes through people’s minds to do such things?

Question by Henry: What goes through people’s minds to do such things?

I don’t quite understand the mentality of some people. This person wanted to show “Terminator Vision” … but in this he clearly uses a distressed and hurt animal still alive on a trap. One of the options is to “throw out with trash” – and that would clearly imply throwing a still alive mammal into a bin where it will no doubt take a long time to die, agonisingly.

What really offended me was that this person used the suffering of said animal as a form of entertainment, to showcase special effects. As if it was something trivial, a common process in making a movie like this. Clearly this person has very little in ethical standard, which begs the question:

What goes through people’s minds to do such things?
Eyes Only: I think you are confusing the two traps. Glue traps are by no means “humane” because the animal will pull itself off violently, injuring itself, often chewing limbs off since the glue is so strong. Trap instructions tell you just to dump the mouse with trap into the bin, and people do this – so it will starve to death. The cruelty of glue traps is well documented.

You compare this with a snap trap where death in most cases, is instantaneous. I don’t think there is a more inhumane trap than a glue trap.

Best answer:

Answer by EYES ONLY
I hate to burst your bubble, but many people do catch mice in traps such as this one, however, these traps are designed to possible free the mouse later in an area away from one’s home. The mouse does not get harmed by the trap of this type, only stuck to it. The video, while not amusing in any way, was probabally not intended to offend, but in this day and age, most people are offended WAY to easily at WAY too much. If things like this offend you, then may I suggest not watching them at all. Just as you have the right to live your life in your way others do as well. Most people are not fond of mice in their homes and use much more inhumane traps than this. But if you would look past your “offense” you would see that the choice the “terminator” made was to “give to Richard Gere” Which is in reference to the rumors in the tabloids about his use of rodent family animals. But I would imagine that the mouse may have come to humane end or maybe even was set free in a field or something, as 90% of the people that use the humane trap as seen in this video use them for that purpose as it does no permenent harm to the mouse. It could be worse, they could have been using one of the very inhumane but more widely used spring traps for the mouse, most of the time the mice live in severe pain for hours and sometimes even days in these traps. but I am fairly certain that the person that posted this video was not trying to offend, just be funny in their own way. good luck to you, and happy new year.

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