The Many Uses of Voice Overs


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talk and cartoon characters project personalities filled with pizzazz.

Voice overs can be the main selling point of some shows.  For example, fans of a famous actor or actress are more likely to see a film simply to hear the voice of their favorite actor lending their vocal talents to a hand-drawn lion or computer generated alien.  Actors and actresses that take on these roles get into character every bit as much as if they were the stars in the productions.  Television, cartoons, and films are great sources for budding entertainers to study vocal techniques.

Voice overs are big business on the internet. If you are interested in voice overs or voice over jobs, be sure to visit my site to learn more.

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Song by Canadian singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot who was after covered by many other artists, including the group Stars on 54 for the movie 54. Facebook fans: un boni pour le chiffre 200 🙂 merci de m’encourager 🙂 I danced on that song when I was in elementery school with my friend Fanny for a school contest 😀 enjoy 🙂

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