naruto spoils 455 danzou SECRET!!!!!!! script in description!! confirmed

455 Bonds…!! Danzo in Hokage garb: “Huu, Toneru [sic. – should be “Torune”], stay behind. Terai, I’m leaving Kabuto to you. Go.” 3 Root members: “Yes, sir.” One leaves to go after Kabuto (Terai). Danzo: “Well then… I’ll leave here for the Kage Summit. The summit is exclusive except for two picked men. [the escorts] I am thinking of one or two from Root. I’ll leave it to you two. Masks are forbidden. Take them off.” The two Root memebers take off their masks. One, who’s name is Huu, resembles Pein’s Petra Realm body. One, who’s name is Torune Both are wearing shinobi garb. Huu (the Petra-looking one): “To what level should we be armed for escort…” Danzo: “I don’t worry about such things. Huu, I’ll leave it to you.” Huu (Petra): “Yes, sir.” Danzo: “Torune, you keep an eye out for subordinates. Sai is acting as if he might betray Root, so be cautious.” Torune: “Yes, sir.” Danzo: “Don’t let the Kyuubi leave the village. Be thorough about it.” Turn – Naruto Karui: “Haa, haa.” Fatigue from hitting. Naruto’s face is beaten and bruised, yet he he still stands up. Sai is still watching. Omoi: “…” Karui: “I said it before! No matter what we do, our feelings will never go away. I’ll continue forever until you talk about Sasuke.” Karui raised her hand(s) over her head: “Uaaa!!” Sai appears in front of Naruto and stops Karui’s fist. Naruto, Karui and Omoi: !! !!? … Karui: “Don’t get in the way! It’s just what this guy was asking for.” Sai strains against her clenched fists

Volume 1: In My Lifetime (1997)

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