
Create a Panorama Photo by stitching images using Photoshop CS5 Photomerge

Adobe CS5 Photoshop Tutorial : How to Stitch together to create one Panorama image using Photoshop Photomerge, Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Bridge For text version see Please subscribe and visit our website Video Rating: 4 / 5

Simulation of computer based test using pdf

An application which simulates computer based test environment when practicing using pdf files ( ). Video Rating: 5 / 5

!add this: – &fmt=18 – to the end of the url, then you get the high quality file! ——————————-… Continue reading

TuTs – Dual-Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux using Wubi Enjoy!!

Server Basics (5) | Deploy Wallpaper Using GPO (Group Policy)

How to configure group policy to force users to use a certain wallpaper when they login. This is just a basic example, more detailed (advanced) group policy stuff will be coming. SERVER BASICS PLAYLIST: Music From: More PC-Addicts… Continue reading

Tutorial: Simple video player using WPF/C#

How to make a simple video player using WPF/C# Programs used: -Visual Studio professional 2010 (2008 should work as well) -Visual Studio Express C# 2008/2010 should work. Sorry for the small text as well, watch in at-least 420p or you… Continue reading

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