
What movie is this? 80s/maybe early 90s sci-fi. spaceship, kids?

by Jason Hargrove

Question by James: What movie is this? 80s/maybe early 90s sci-fi. spaceship, kids? A spaceship lands in a back yard and makes a HUGE crater. Kids have to crawl through tunnels in crater to fight aliens.… Continue reading

Question for 80’s People about a movie??? I remember a movie about some kids who make a spaceship….?

by salty_soul

Question by Question for 80’s People about a movie??? I remember a movie about some kids who make a spaceship….? If I remember right, it is red and made out of a garbage can.. they make… Continue reading

What was that one Disney Movie? where the 4 or 5 kids make their own spaceship?

by Cayusa

Question by RedBull268: What was that one Disney Movie? where the 4 or 5 kids make their own spaceship? What was that one Disney Movie where the 4 or 5 kids make their own spaceship and then… Continue reading

whats the name of the movie where three kids make their own spaceship and?

by kmakice

Question by Derek: whats the name of the movie where three kids make their own spaceship and? go into space and find another spaceship with aliens.

Best answer:

Answer by cOMPLic8maybe … (the three kids go… Continue reading

Astronauts head to ISS on spaceship Gagarin

Astronauts head to ISS on spaceship Gagarin BAIKONUR, Kazakhstan (AFP) – Three astronauts on Tuesday blasted off for the International Space Station in a spaceship named after the first man in space Yuri Gagarin in honour of his historic flight… Continue reading

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