
3 Sales Script Myths

by Kennedy Goodkey

3 Sales Script Myths There are some methods that have been tested for decades that still produce consistent results. There are other sales methods that continue to be put into action that don’t work! Well intentioned managers… Continue reading

sales scripts, sales script, sales conversion

by artnoose

sales scripts, sales script, sales conversion Being in sales is a tough business. Regardless of if you are selling real estate, computer software, copiers, or manufacturing equipment being on the front lines “selling” is tough. The company looks… Continue reading

Sales Training – The Power of the Script

by Keoni Cabral

Sales Training – The Power of the Script

Sales people often debate the need for a script when cold calling potential prospects. I have struggled with this issue over the years but I always reach the same… Continue reading

Sales Script Conversion Methods

by quapan

Sales Script Conversion Methods Why is it that some sales professionals are booked constantly with a flood of appointments and others struggle? Do they have the gift of gab? Were they lucky enough to get the “good leads”?… Continue reading

New Moon Opening Night Sales?

by Mammaoca2008

Question by : New Moon Opening Night Sales? How much money did New Moon make in the opening night? Also where can I find New Moon movie reviews November 20?

Best answer:

Answer by Alex

You can… Continue reading

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