
Ask A Ninja – Special Delivery 1 “What is Podcasting?”

The Ninja explains podcasting to people over the age of 12. You can subscribe to the podcast askaninja.com. And please go DIGG us! http And add us at myspace at myspace.com

Podcasting Tools

Shawn Collins of blog.affiliatetip.com talks about the tools he uses to record and publish podcasts. Q What do you use to record podcasts? A: I like the Plantronics brand a lot for the headphones I use to record podcasts, and… Continue reading

Podcasting; It?s not Just for Ipods Anymore

by Antonis Lamnatos

Podcasting; It?s not Just for Ipods Anymore


What is Podcasting?



Podcasting is broadcasting on iPods or other MP3 Players. Created by ex MTV host Adam Curry, Podcasting is a new… Continue reading

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