
I wrote this for Hermione/Fred wedding scene, for my fanfictiction. Is it okay?

by Ken Lund

Question by Daughter of Athena x: I wrote this for Hermione/Fred wedding scene, for my fanfictiction. Is it okay? I’m writing a fanfiction. It’s about Hermione and Fred. They already have a baby girl and the… Continue reading

Is it okay to make a parody of the Twilight books and movie?

by andyi

Question by GlambertGlix26: Is it okay to make a parody of the Twilight books and movie? Is it to make a parody of the Twilight books and movie? I’m in 8th grade and everyone saw and reads… Continue reading

okay so which guy should i ask out?

by Ken Lund

Question by ∂shlie: okay so which guy should i ask out? okay so there are two guys. one likes me (lonnie). one i like and he likes me (xavier) .

Guy #1: (Lonnie) total geek. his… Continue reading

Is it okay to make a home movie based off of a book?

by madmolecule

Question by leokodomojih: Is it okay to make a home movie based off of a book? I want to make a film to enter into a scholarship contest and I am very interested in making a movie… Continue reading

Okay, I am looking for a movie. I don’t remember the name to.?

Question by Cleo D: Okay, I am looking for a movie. I don’t remember the name to.? So, what I remember about the movie is that it starts off with a juvenile seen at a boys center or what… Continue reading

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