
President Obama’s News Conference on the American Jobs Act

The President said, I hope every senator thinks long and hard about what’s at stake when they cast their vote on the Jobs Act. October 6, 2011. Video Rating: 2 / 5

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Is there jobs that give ideas for the movies?

by Loren Javier

Question by prava ljubezen: Is there jobs that give ideas for the movies? Not a scripter, or writer directer, just the job that gives ides to those people how to make movies very entertainment. For instance,… Continue reading

Obama Rallies Support for Jobs Speech as GOP Contenders Woo Voters in SC

Read the transcript: President Obama used a Labor Day event in Detroit to preview the jobs speech he’ll give Thursday evening as Republican presidential contenders targeted the president, and each other, at a forum in South Carolina. Judy Woodruff… Continue reading

GE Ships Jobs and Technology to China: Aviation Deal: US; China Air Force Threat: Obama and Immelt

President Obama’s man, Jeffrey Immelt, who heads Obama’s panel on US jobs and competitiveness, has struck a deal of gold with state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China, which in the end will net America over 300 jobs. I’m not sure… Continue reading

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