Is there jobs that give ideas for the movies?

Question by prava ljubezen: Is there jobs that give ideas for the movies?
Not a scripter, or writer directer, just the job that gives ides to those people how to make movies very entertainment. For instance, I give opinions on scripts like ” ending is bad, it should change”, “it would be cool if there are this kinds of characters(like characters from Star Wars Aliens, Terminaters 4)” , “it would be cool, if the hero do this kinds of mission”, ” the graphic should be more dark and gothic, to make more fear”. Something like that, I really want job like that, not the directer, because those are almost impossible to be.

Best answer:

Answer by Auntie S
They are called writers/authors

I hear fx tv channel is taking ideas on shows. That’s how “It’s always sunny in Philadelphia” came into being.

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