
★ WoW – 4.3 PvP System Changes Debate: ft. Pureshield, Hengest, & Hitmanblood

A pilot episode of WoW debates, where we discuss important changes to WoW from both PvP and PVE stand points. This episode addresses the upcoming changes to the PvP system. MMR reset: Match making rating is a second rating players… Continue reading

WEB NEWS: US debt debate rages online

WEBNEWS News as seen on the web and about the web

All Ron Paul 2012 Presidential debate answers full HQ

Ron Paul 2012!!!! I am going to make one for Gary Johnson too, he sounds kind of reasonable, but for right now, I would rather put my money behind Ron Paul here, along with the thousands of people who donated… Continue reading

Do you enjoy debate as much as I do?

Question by Savage serenity: Do you enjoy debate as much as I do? Although there are times when ‘answers’ is kind of dead and boring, many times, I feel excited to participate in the questions and answers. Many people… Continue reading

Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire – as it happened

MAKING OF: Servicio a domicilio Image by Charlie Perez Fotos de making of del cortometraje "SERVICIO A DOMICILIO" rodado en Guayaquil en octubre de 2007. Estreno en enero de 2008!!!

Picture shots of the short film "SERVICIO A DOMICILIO" (… Continue reading

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