
INTUA BeatMaker 2 – Official demo

Presentation of our new product: BeatMaker 2, available for Apple iPhone / iPod Touch and iPad. APP STORE LINK: INTUA WEBSITE: TWITTER FACEBOOK: FORUMS: BeatMaker 2 : the most advanced mobile music workstation. Combining music… Continue reading

BeatMaker: Best iPhone app EVER!

The touch surface is a lot easier to use than I make it look. It was a bit hard to hit the mark with a camera standing between it and myself. However, once you factor in perspiration (sorry, but it’s… Continue reading

Intua BeatMaker Demo Song I

Intua BeatMaker – The first music creation studio for the iPhone and iPod Touch Demo Song #1 BeatMaker is available for iPhone/iPod Touch on the Apple App Store© For more information visit Video Rating: 4 / 5

Beatmaker – How To Make Hip Hop Beats – I Make Pro-Quality Beats

AllReviewed.Net – This is the beatmaker I use – If you want to learn how to make hip hop beats this is how I make pro-quality beats inexpensively. It is a slick software program. People have wondered if I have… Continue reading

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