
Assange complains of Jewish conspiracy

DC Media Makers meet at NPR March 25th 2009 Image by ShashiBellamkonda Producer Steve Fisher and Writer/Director Michael Dougherty, of Browncoats Redemption (a great fan movie being produced as a charity fundraiser). -Learn the ins/outs of production and what Steve’s… Continue reading

iFive: Egypt’s Lone ISP, Assange on 60 Minutes, China Censors “Egypt,” Google Hires App Writers, Zuckerberg on SNL

iFive: Egypt’s Lone ISP, Assange on 60 Minutes, China Censors “Egypt,” Google Hires App Writers, Zuckerberg on SNL 1. As Egypt tips ever further toward regime change, it looks like the one ISP in the nation that skirted Friday’s Net… Continue reading

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