Q&A: Why is the Joker Pencil Trick so funny?

Question by Chris M: Why is the Joker Pencil Trick so funny?
I went to the midnight screening of The Dark Knight and the scene that stands out to me is The Joker Pencil Trick scene.
It begins with the Joker entering a mob meeting. A mob boss threatens him with one of his goons. The Joker answers, “How about a magic trick?” He jabs the tip of a pencil into the table and says, “I’m going to make this pencil disappear.” As the goon comes over to him the Joker grabs him and slams his head onto the pencil. “Ta da! It’s…gone.”
At first I was in shock and then I broke out in laughter as was the entire theatre which soon broke out in applause!
I saw the movie a second time the next day. I knew what was going to happen, but when it did it was still funny.
But tell me, why is it so hilarious?
My idea is that the Joker’s mannerisms and his punchline: Ta da! It’s gone” is what made it hilarious instead of the trick itself.
I may be wrong so are there any professional psychologists who may know?

Best answer:

Answer by Sabby™
LOL It was funny because of the way the scene went.
He put the pencil on top of the table, then the guy walks towards him…and then with one QUICK motion the penicil is gone and the guy is dead.
The Joker says”Ta Da!” as if it’s no big deal….and the way he said it was PRICELESS.

I think Heath did an AMAZING job, I was in awe of him the entire time.

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