Master the Art of Appointment Making and Master the Art of Selling


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before you head out to meet the customer. Take charge of the Quote Presentation by making sure you have can close the deal when the numbers fit your parameters. If your customer says, “Knock off a thousand bucks and we have a deal,” you want to respond with two simple words: “Sign here!”

Answer any and all questions your customer might have . . . remember, when you answer questions, you are really answering objections, so encourage that dialogue. If you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t wing it . . . again, be honest and let the customer know that you will come back with an answer as quickly as possible – then do it!

Ask for the order! We won’t lecture you on how many people in our business fail to ask for the order . . . but, as you well know, there are literally thousands upon thousands of sales people out in their

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