I don’t know how to dance, but i have a question?

Question by : I don’t know how to dance, but i have a question?
Okay so I really REALLY enjoy watching people dance and enjoy watching dance movies too, because i seriously wish that i could be able to move like them.
I’m not into ballerina stuff , only into Hip-hop dancing, b-boying, tutting, making waves with your body and arms, you know all that dope dancing stuff that looks real sick.

I dont really want to spin on my head or break dance usually what the boys do (b-boying) but hip-hop dancing and cool, awesome moves.

I mean I’m only 15 and i wish i could dance like Moose from Step-up 2 & Step-up 3D

Well my question is if a person like me who doesn’t really know how to dance, can they learn how to dance amazingly good?
And be able to dance whenever?

(If that made any sense) (:

Best answer:

Answer by Reia T.
Yes. Take lessons, stretch, and practice like crazy. Watch other dancers and dances for inspiration. And I hate to tell you, but you probably need a background and basis in jazz/ballet- the basic things. Believe it or not, ballet is the basis for quite a few things and it will help you immensely in balance, coordination, and flexibility. Just start slow and work from there!

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