Halo Reach: Fails of the Weak Volume 79

Jack and Geoff are at it again, raising their self-worth by making fun of the Halo related missteps of others.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Dr. Z’s latest invention not only imbues his Acrocanthosaurus with fire-breathing abilities, but also renders it completely under his control. Armed with a dinosaur remote control device, his minions set out to recapture the dinosaur cards taken from them by the D-Team. When the control malfunctions, however, the Alpha Gang can do little more than watch from a safe distance as the dinosaur incinerates everything in its path. Desperate to stop the trail of destruction before it engulfs their small town, Max and friends set out to intercept the fire-breather, but with their Dino-holders badly scorched, do they stand a chance?
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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