Green Lantern Comic Books Hit the Big Screen


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recently had a role in Wolverine: X-Men Origins. You may remember he played the Deadpool character. He also starred in comedies such as Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, Van Wilder, and Waiting. He captured our hearts in the romantic comedy Definitely, Maybe as a single father who tells his daughter about his life before marriage. Besides starring in comedies he has been in action films Blade: Trinity and Smokin’ Aces. He has been nominated for two awards and has won two awards. One award was for The Amityville Horror, and the other was awarded to him as the next generation male actor of 2003.

In Ryan Reynold’s new role as comic book superhero, he’ll be playing pilot Hal Jordan who becomes a member of the Green Lanterns after an alien death makes him the successor of the lantern power. He is given the power ring which is considered one of the most powerful

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