Chef Daniel Green’s Thai Curry (Recipe Rehab)

Daniel learned to cook in Thailand so this dish takes on a personal agenda with him. He whips up a great dish using eggplant and tofu instead of meat. Watch to see Chef Daniel’s tips and techniques! Subscribe to Everyday Health: For more videos, visit the Everyday Health Channel on YouTube: Check us out: Find us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter at: We’re on Pinterest: …And Tumblr! Recipe Rehab: Celebrity and acclaimed chefs, including Laura Vitale, Jet Tila and Aida Mollenkamp compete in a head-to-head challenge to recreate a family-favorite dish, but with a healthy twist! Daniel Green As a teenager, Daniel was overweight and wanted to do something about it. He started reading through magazines and books to try to learn more about food and how it worked. This led him to making recipes and experimenting with healthier ways of cooking. Gradually he developed his own recipes and was losing weight. He really worked at learning all about nutrition because the key was to be healthy. He has a passion for helping others lose weight the way he did. He wants others to feel good about themselves and help them re-educate their whole way of thinking when it came to food. He has done daily shows on ShopNBC as well as his own cooking segment called Kitchen Takeover and has published six healthy cooking cookbooks. See more of Chef Daniel: YOUTUBE:
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