A Figure by the Bench: Oklahoma Habituation Site

This video features the voice of one of the contributors to the book IMPOSSIBLE VISITS: The Inside Story of Interactions with Sasquatch at Habituation Sites. A “habituation site” is a place with which members of this primate species have become familiar, and return to repeatedly. Throughout North America, certain people have been able to establish a relationship with these visitors, often exchanging food and gifts. But the Sasquatch always maintain their distance; extreme stealth has allowed them to survive, alongside human beings, for hundreds of thousands of years. To read excerpts from the book, please visit www.impossiblevisits.com The book can be ordered here www.amazon.com Until very recently, our only publicly shared knowledge of Sasquatch (aka Bigfoot) came through chance encounters, fleeting glimpses, and the rare piece of movie or video footage. Yet meanwhile, throughout North America, certain people were busy pursuing private knowledge much more effectively. Now, IMPOSSIBLE VISITS, the first book of its kind, chronicles the groundbreaking work of such ordinary human beings who have experienced, sometimes for many years, consistent Sasquatch visitations to their homes and properties (at “habituation sites”) and have sought–in the great and humane spirit of Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey–to learn from this retiring, intelligent primate species. The book features half a dozen richly detailed first-person testimonials, which convey a textured sense of the nature
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