Exposing The Satanic Empire 02/08

For ‘more info’, see web-links below. . PLAYLIST: www.youtube.com . . A Keith Thompson film on the ruling mob’s involvement with Satanic activity. This film dives into the formation of the Illuminati, how it infiltrated Freemasonry, and the Satanic nature of its aims. It then goes into the Vatican’s involvement with the Bohemian Grove, New World Order elite, And Freemasonry, while exposing how the Vatican is now anti-Christian. The last segment debunks Zeitgeist-type claims of a Christ conspiracy and exposes the plan to destroy Christianity, making a Luciferian, new-age, one-world religion. * “We are heading for total mind control.” “My life became insignificant compared to the suffering of millions of victims.” “All these people have taken holy communion out of a human skull, and have sworn to work for the destruction of Law, Religion and Government.” “The initiates are told that they are now superior beings, part of an elite who control Earth’s human population with war, terror and famine.” “They intend to turn the World into their conception of a Luciferian, totalitarian, socialist state. They will eliminate all Christians, Jews and Atheists.” “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” “As Satanists, we were told that the Illuminati were very powerful Satanic spiritual beings, which is not entirely false because the Illuminati are possessed by

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