theme to make a movie about cycling?

Question by EpicRacer: theme to make a movie about cycling?
i want to make a full length movie, between an hour to 1 1/2 hours long, with cycling as a theme. my friends and i do mostly mountain biking. i want an action style movie, not just something of us doing tricks and riding around town (already have one of those). something like james bond with a bike theme. nothing too complicated tho, ill be shooting on a Sony Handycam DVD camcorder.

any ideas?
i had an idea tho start with: theres these 2 loser kids who wish they could ride a bike, so they go to a camp for a couple weeks and come out as cia agents disguised as top athletes. sounds kinda gay, but when its on video, i think it will be good and funny.
is there anyone in New Haven county, CT that would be interested in being in this production? the more people, the better

Best answer:

Answer by Jaydee L
Two tag teams, leaving their mark around town?

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