The Great American Phony


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Director”, not actually having to work, to achieve any of their goals.


I was born in California and I couldn’t even begin to tell you, how many of these people, that I have actually run into while living in California, I believe their numbers are in the thousands of millions. Sometimes watching a delusional person’s dreams get smashed into a million pieces, is worse then seeing that same person, get hit by a car. Why? Because the car-crash that killed them, only took a couple of seconds, but watching them die from the emotional disappointment of their dreams crashing to the ground, is a lot worse and it’s a very slow death, I’d compare it with a flesh eating virus, that would take years to kill you or skin cancer. It’s especially bad, if you’re in love with a person like this.


I guess, because I grew up in California, where people come to

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