
ZCorp’s 3D Printer replicates a wrench

3D printing is a form of additive manufacturing technology where a three dimensional object is created by laying down successive layers of material. 3D printers are generally faster, more affordable and easier to use than other additive manufacturing technologies. 3D… Continue reading

Don’t believe it? Technical overview of how a functioning wrench can be made from a 3D scan

Michael Mock of Rapidform (www.rapidform.com) responds to some questions about the feasibility of printing a functional wrench from scan data from a Z Corp 3D scanner, as seen in http

TF2 Golden Wrench on Public Server

You can now play using the golden wrench on a public server! IMPORTANT UPDATE: Legitimate Golden Wrenches are now being found, as such, the Neowin server is reverted to normal operation. THE FOLLOWING TEXT IS OUTDATED—- All you have to… Continue reading

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