
What’s the name of the movie that starred 3 film students traveling to go and make a movie? Title has 3 words.

by uniondocs

Question by sweet_susy59: What’s the name of the movie that starred 3 film students traveling to go and make a movie? Title has 3 words. What’s the name of the movie that starred three students, all studying… Continue reading

What movie titles sound funny when you replace one of the words with Robocop?

by erin m

Question by Janelle: What movie titles sound funny when you replace one of the words with Robocop? This is a game my co-workers play when we get bored. We replace one word of a movie title… Continue reading

Q&A: What is a movie trailer with words in it?

by labanex

Question by nichole d: What is a movie trailer with words in it? I’m doing making a trailer for English and I need a trailer with words in it for an example.

Not like spoken words, but… Continue reading

Q&A: What are some words or phrases that would make a great movie title?

Question by nathanael b: What are some words or phrases that would make a great movie title?

Best answer:

Answer by dave aHow about ‘Birth of Sorrow’? (or conversely ‘Death of Joy’)

Add your own answer in the comments!

Q&A: What are some words or phrases that would make a great movie title?

by madmolecule

Question by nathanael b: What are some words or phrases that would make a great movie title?

Best answer:

Answer by Ricardo Astley“Thats what she said”

What do you think? Answer below!

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