
Do you hate when they show the whole movie in the trailer?

Question by The Birdman Knows All: Do you hate when they show the whole movie in the trailer? Dang this gets on my nerves, how they make the trailer look great, but when I go see them, they just… Continue reading

Q&A: Do you think they are going to make movies of the whole twilight series?

by Profound Whatever

Question by Iluvyou: Do you think they are going to make movies of the whole twilight series? that would be awesome

Best answer:

Answer by Longislekidthe are hoping that it takes off like the harry… Continue reading

help wanted!!! i need help in making my download speed a WHOLE LOT FASTER….?

Question by : help wanted!!! i need help in making my download speed a WHOLE LOT FASTER….? i am usually downloading psp games, movies, videos, music(but i don’t have any problems regarding the speed of my music downloads) i download… Continue reading

Q&A: So if I buy Coraline the whole movie will be in 3d?

Question by Poppy: So if I buy Coraline the whole movie will be in 3d? Im considering buying it and im curious if its going to be in 3d the whole way threw. Are there specific copies that have… Continue reading

Are people being fined for downloading whole software programs, or is it just music pirates?

by PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE

Question by sonicfunctionalist: Are people being fined for downloading whole software programs, or is it just music pirates? A song is 99 cents and programs can cost 1,000’s of dollars yet I haven’t heard of anyone going… Continue reading

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