
How much money did Al Gore make with his movie or how much money has the media made off Global Warming?

by T Hoffarth

Question by A: How much money did Al Gore make with his movie or how much money has the media made off Global Warming? I was wondering how much profit Al Gore made from his movie:… Continue reading

Q&A: are there still any idiots out there that belive global warming is true?

by Cayusa

Question by BOB: are there still any idiots out there that belive global warming is true? Questions for Al Gore By Dr. Roy Spencer 25 May 2006

Gore’s Inconvenient Truth….

Dear Mr. Gore:

I have just seen… Continue reading

Got Problems? Blame Global Warming

Got Problems? Blame Global Warming Where there’s a malady on this Earth, there’s always a warming related reason. Read more on Forbes

Mandel as Mephistopheles on misbegotten ‘Mobbed’ Nothing kills spontaneity like anticipation and preparation. But of course sometimes it… Continue reading

Global Warming movie poster?

Question by Futbol: Global Warming movie poster? I am making a movie poster about how global warming causing more hurricanes. I need a title that could be from a previous movie or a made up name. needs to be… Continue reading

Global warming or global governance

If theElite’s NWO master Plan for Utopia is so great then why all the wars, death, destruction, starvation, SECRECY and LIES? I see all countries are passing Gestapo style anti-terrorism laws that allow them to target people that criticize government.… Continue reading

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