
What is the muslim community doing about this?

by BottleLeaf

Question by Ty M: What is the muslim community doing about this? I am not Jewish or Muslim. My attitude if somebody is muslim, hindu or even jewish, would be “so what, that’s what he is. so… Continue reading

Terror Babies & Muslim Vampires, Colbert Show Jon Stewart Cooper Gohmert Islamophobia

Islamophobia for Dummies. Dead Muslims & Terror Babies featuring Stephen Colbert The Colbert Report, Jon Stewart The Daily Show, Keith Olbermann Countdown, Anderson Cooper v Louie Gohmert. Muslim Zombie Vampire Colbert: You know what else is insane folks: All… Continue reading

Q&A: Are you tired of Muslim violence and threat of violence?

Question by Phoenix: Are you tired of Muslim violence and threat of violence? Michelle Malkin The Eternal Flame of Muslim Outrage Email Michelle Malkin | Columnist’s Archive

Shhhhhhh, we’re told. Don’t protest the Ground Zero mosque. Don’t burn a… Continue reading

Are you tired of Muslim violence and threat of violence?

by fengschwing

Question by Phoenix: Are you tired of Muslim violence and threat of violence? Michelle Malkin The Eternal Flame of Muslim Outrage Email Michelle Malkin | Columnist’s Archive

Shhhhhhh, we’re told. Don’t protest the Ground Zero mosque. Don’t… Continue reading

How Muslim burials set off a small-town furor in New York – and how good came of it

How Muslim burials set off a small-town furor in New York – and how good came of it SIDNEY CENTER, N.Y. – The cemetery lies beneath a grove of maples on a hill overlooking the farm. On a crisp November… Continue reading

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