
Cake Making Machine, Japan

I’m fascinated by Japanese machinery and automation. In this video, I discover the popular sweet known as “Manju” Thanks to RunnyRunny999 for helping me eat my Manju. Taro does interesting videos about Japan and he’s become a real community kind… Continue reading

Paper Cranes for Japan Video Contest! (+Update)

I have received numerous comments from people over the past few weeks on my Paper Crane tutorial saying that they were making these cranes for Japan, they were trying to make 1000 of them, people were raising money, even that… Continue reading

Japan crisis evokes comparisons to its pop culture disaster narratives, historic events

Japan crisis evokes comparisons to its pop culture disaster narratives, historic events In postwar books and films, the nation has imagined national apocalypse from earthquake, tsunami and nuclear threat. Recent events echo its pop culture and World War II-era history.… Continue reading

Japan FAQ 12: other jobs, being in a band, other languages

other jobs, being in a band, other languages Video Rating: 4 / 5

www.realzionistnews.com http

NBTHS committee plans to fund-raise for Japan relief effort

MAKING MOVIES Image by spike55151 Charles Street, Boom Camera zooming into the 2nd floor window of Donna’s Coffee House

NBTHS committee plans to fund-raise for Japan relief effort Jennifer Amato, Staff Writer North Brunswick Township High School students are organizing… Continue reading

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