
New Civil Rights Movie (‘IVY’) Set for Filming in Sacramento

New Civil Rights Movie (‘IVY’) Set for Filming in Sacramento Ivy is a 50’s period piece and is set in the deep dirty South. But Ivy is being shot entirely in the Golden State’s capital city of Sacramento and is… Continue reading

Make a movie trailer (for book report) without filming anything so like animated i guess….i need help!!!?

by Old Shoe Woman

Question by Poke We: Make a movie trailer (for book report) without filming anything so like animated i guess….i need help!!!? I have imovie 11 i think its that…..not sure…there i can make a movie… Continue reading

Q&A: How much have each of the Harry Potter kids make for filming the movie series?

by LadyDragonflyCC – Rain & Flowers, May Weather

Question by daschuck77: How much have each of the Harry Potter kids make for filming the movie series? Those are some young millionaires I bet!

Best answer:

Answer by Bella-ElRadcliffe… Continue reading

A unique idea becomes a personal dream; ‘Margarine Wars’ filming locally with newcomers and stars alike

A unique idea becomes a personal dream; ‘Margarine Wars’ filming locally with newcomers and stars alike It is not often that people would associate margarine with being an illegal substance, but for a time in the American Midwest it was.… Continue reading

whats the best cam corder and that doesn’t cost much? also read if you are into filming (Im making a movie)!

by Sveden

Question by TinaC: whats the best cam corder and that doesn’t cost much? also read if you are into filming (Im making a movie)! so far Ive been using my sony cybershot which is generally for images… Continue reading

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