
funny ten minute play scripts for one male and one female?

Question by Emily: funny ten minute play scripts for one male and one female? a friend and i are looking for a 10 minute play that is funny. we need a script for one male and one female. we… Continue reading

Halloween costume. Jigsaw dummy from Saw (female, read description)?

Question by Becca: Halloween costume. Jigsaw dummy from Saw (female, read description)? I want to be the jigsaw dummy from the Saw movies. But im a girl so i want to give it a female switch. like give the… Continue reading

Is Kalki Koechlin proof that if you’re a pretty White female and can learn Hindi, you can be a huge movie star?

by McBeth

Question by Samian’s Nineteenth Account: Is Kalki Koechlin proof that if you’re a pretty White female and can learn Hindi, you can be a huge movie star? I hadn’t even heard of this lady until recently. Apparently… Continue reading

Where can I find 10 minute play scripts for 1 male 3 female?

by Kmeron

Question by Matthew: Where can I find 10 minute play scripts for 1 male 3 female? I have to do a 10 minute scene in my grade 12 drama class with 3 other girls. My teacher really… Continue reading

Why do female preachers get so hyped up that they ignore these scripts?

Question by Individuality Liberty Justice: Why do female preachers get so hyped up that they ignore these scripts? 1Cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are… Continue reading

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