
They Drive by Night: Starring Emlyn Williams and Ernest Thesiger (1938 Movie) They Drive by Night is a 1938 British black-and-white, crime thriller, directed by Arthur B. Woods starring Ronald Shiner as Charlie, the café proprietor. It was produced by Warner Brothers – First National Productions. The film is based on… Continue reading

Ernest Saves Christmas

High-flying reindeer! Mischievous elves! Warp-speed sleigh rides! Get set for a magical dose of holiday cheer, zany season’s greetings, and spell-binding special effects in this fast-paced, heartwarming comedy hit! When Santa Claus decides to retire and pass on his magic… Continue reading

I have to make a time magazine about ernest hemingway…?

Question by Lia A: I have to make a time magazine about ernest hemingway…? On the cover, i want to write ernest hemingway: author of the year. and then like critic reviews. like you know how on movie covers… Continue reading

The Large Controller’s Railway HD, Episode 1: “Ernest the Engine Does it Again”

After two years in the making, Ernest is finally here! From the same laboratory that has brought you madcap madness on two other channels, comes the greatest comedy series to hit YouTube since “The Breakfast Song”: Ernest & The Large… Continue reading

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