
Is there going to be a Super Junior movie called I AM?

Question by : Is there going to be a Super Junior movie called I AM? I saw these movie poster things with some of the Super Junior members and it they had quotes on them. I was just wanting to… Continue reading


Question by Ally(:: WHAT IS THIS MOVIE CALLED?!? It is in the 1950’s a mother who has 8 kids and an achholic husband is trying to make money by writing poems and entering them in contests she writes multiple… Continue reading

what that movie called that turns gays into straights?

Question by Jenny:)!: what that movie called that turns gays into straights? they are teens that go to a camp that their parents send them too to make them straight.

Best answer:

Answer by oneofabrutalkind“But I’m A Cheerleader”… Continue reading

Can a woman do anything without being called a slut/whore?

by Meredith_Farmer

Question by : Can a woman do anything without being called a slut/whore? This post has several questions, but most of them involve a woman being called a slut/whore.

I always notice that while watching movies in theaters;… Continue reading

Q&A: Why are women called whores, but not men?

by Newhaircut

Question by : Why are women called whores, but not men? This post has several questions, but most of them involve a woman being called a slut/whore.

I always notice that while watching movies in theaters; a woman,… Continue reading

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