Question by Ally(:: WHAT IS THIS MOVIE CALLED?!?
It is in the 1950’s a mother who has 8 kids and an achholic husband is trying to make money by writing poems and entering them in contests she writes multiple poems and puts her kids names down for them to get a better chance of winning. I remember a few parts
The mother wins a contest that she gets like 5 minutes to go around the grocery store and pick up as many things as possible and she gets like this whole freexer filled upwith food
–I also remeber one of the kids saying “Maybe you shouldnt spend so much tiem at the liquor store” and then the dad says ” you know what i am going to fill this freezer up to the top if takes my whole life” That scene happened before the the grocery store scene

She also was telling the story throughout the movie

I know the first few words of it
The winner of the…


Best answer:

Answer by Kinsey
The Prize Winner Of Defiance, Ohio

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