
Why do movie producers try to make us believe that doing ninja backflips away from machine gun fire works?

Question by Athavulf: Why do movie producers try to make us believe that doing ninja backflips away from machine gun fire works? Honestly, if you were doing a series of backflips in a straight line away from a straight… Continue reading

what movie was it with a kids playing in a field and a bomb goes off and some girl i believe is held hostage?

Question by Sara G: what movie was it with a kids playing in a field and a bomb goes off and some girl i believe is held hostage? I think it came out like 5 year or less.. I… Continue reading

Don’t believe it? Technical overview of how a functioning wrench can be made from a 3D scan

Michael Mock of Rapidform ( responds to some questions about the feasibility of printing a functional wrench from scan data from a Z Corp 3D scanner, as seen in http

has my imagination been carried away am i fazing myself to believe in something thats not real. Please Answer.?

Question by Houdini: has my imagination been carried away am i fazing myself to believe in something thats not real. Please Answer.? if i start to dream or think about acting a certain way or changing,would i start to… Continue reading

Do you believe the movie Avatar idealizes tribal culture, makes war a means to peace, and misrepresents nature?

by Pranksky

Question by gossamer presents… Sarah!: Do you believe the movie Avatar idealizes tribal culture, makes war a means to peace, and misrepresents nature? I was reading an interesting review on a website, and here’s a piece of… Continue reading

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