Stripes spectrogram

Ok here we are.. sorry for my English But I think you can understand the story. Hi….. The song you hear is with bitmapwaves ( this are the high frequencies you hear), I made the song with some softsynths and I sing a bit. I made this spectrogram with 2 programs. One is the bitmapwave editor and the other a wave editor, like cooledit you need: 1. bitmaps&waves, just google for it. This simple program converts bitmap images to sounds 2. Cooledit also freeware 3. Pictures with the extention jpg or bmp 4. and a good creative day After using bitmaps&waves I had about 20 bitmapwaves. (MONO) I mix the bitmapwaves just like normal waves with my song in cooledit together. I use about 6 tracks. When you play your song, you can see your pictures in the spectum . try to put simple effects on the bitmapwaves, like vibrato or echo…You even can fadeIn and fadeout them. Also mix 2 bitmapwaves together..You will see 2 pictures together. In anyway Here you can do so many creative things.. I hope you will make a nice spectum and sent it to youtube where I can watch it. That all The point for me is that I don’t like cooledit to watch the spectrum. I use “Spectrogram 16” . This program is not anymore on the net. With this program you just put the ready song in it and watch it in high quality But if you like to have the program, sent me a email Ok have a nice day and show your songs

** Update II: The FAQ’s here!! Make sure to read it before asking anything about this tutorial! FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: What do you use to CAPTURE YOUR SCREEN? A: It’s a little freeware called Camstudio for Windows and can be downloaded for free at . Q How can I get MY LIGHTNING INTO MY FOOTAGE?? A: Once you’re done with the lightning, grab its whole composition and place it in another composition where you already have your footage. Set its blending mode to “Screen” or “Add” and there you go. Q: I don’t find the BLENDING / TRANSFER MODES! A: In the down-left corner of After Effects, there should be three very tiny buttons of which one will toggle the blending modes. If you don’t find them, just right-click on a file in your timeline and you’ll find an option to change its blending mode there. Q: There appears some kind of BOUNDING BOX AROUND MY LIGHTNING when I try to bring it into my footage! A: That’s because your lightning’s glow extends to the edges of the lightning’s compositon. Go to the lightning’s composition’s settings and make the whole comp bigger, at least as big as your footage is. That should solve the problem. Q: Where can I find cool SOUND EFFECTS FOR THE LIGHTNING? A: At . Q How can I animate the START AND ENDING of the lightning?? A: Just start with a very small lightning, make it grow, and in the end, let it shrink again. You can achieve all this just by animating the starting and ending points of the lightning
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