Silver Manipulation by JP Morgan via Max Keiser and Alan Grayson

From today’s Max Keiser Report and last October’s House Financial Services Committee hearing on Dr Ron Paul’s HR 1207bill, a conversation between the Federal Reserve’s attorney and Congressman Alan Grayson. We now know that JP Morgan, HSBC, and some lesser banksters, claim to own several times the world’s above ground supply of silver. They have the derivative paper contracts to PROVE IT. Of course their contracts are like the Federal Reserve note, completely worthless fiat paper crap. Thanks to Mr Grayson we learned that the Fed is using “primary dealers” to make trades on the market, Fed Counsel Alvarez names JP Morgan as one of their dealers in the market, making trades on behalf of the Fed. They *manipulate the price* of the arch nemesis to their fiat paper notes – PRECIOUS METALS – in a vain effort to retain their reign over the world’s economies with their ‘reserve currency’ toilet paper. All it really buys us in HEGEMONY. Good luck guys, your scam is falling all around you. END THE FEDERAL RESERVE CENTRAL BANKING SCAM of 1913.

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