Sales Speaker Says Smart Scripts Earn Million-Dollar Commissions And Happiness!


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how to sell scripts
by wallyg

Sales Speaker Says Smart Scripts Earn Million-Dollar Commissions And Happiness!

I was doing some consulting for a Houston-based investment company that sold its government-guaranteed products to college fund managers, banks, and municipalities.

My contacts were good at what they did, especially cold calling. While I was their consultant, it came to my attention that one of their salespeople had gone for 10 months without an order.

Finally, he struck pay dirt. A banking prospect made a major investment and he personally netted a million-dollar commission, making the previous 10 months of failure more than worthwhile.

I tell this story to show the value of persistence, grit, and never quitting. This seller’s fortitude was nothing less than legendary.

However, his sales manager punctuated the saga differently. He told me: “He succeeded because he was committed to having meaningful conversations with



Instantly, I liked that phrase and got the picture. The broker didn’t use an obviously canned, off-the-shelf dumb script for developing the trust needed to sell big-ticket investments.

Instead, he sold the concept of his company’s financial products: An above average return with zero risk to invested principal. This type of investment was a great fit for inherently conservative institutional investors and their portfolio managers. His job was to match their professional-emotional profile, which was risk-aversion with desire for better returns, with his products. Sometimes this took several contacts to accomplish.

Lest you think this type of “meaningful” selling is reserved for esoteric investments, I should tell you about a chat I just had with the owner of an advertising specialty company, which markets imprinted pens and other products as sales


incentives. I asked him to “Pitch me,” and he did it.

What I noticed was how he completely downplayed the features and benefits of the item he was touting. Instead, he focused on how giving it away to customers would build the businesses of his buyers, especially in tough economic times.

Like the investment-selling millionaire, the ad specialty fellow is making a conceptual sale, and the way to do this is to have meaningful conversations.

“Going deep” into conversations makes commercial sense, but there is also a completely new research finding, that came to my attention today, linking meaningful conversations to happiness. Those that have deeper chats with others report themselves to be happier than those that make small talk, only, says this study.

Thus, adopting a selling style that utilizes meaningful conversations instead of “dumb scripts”


might sell more and promote your good cheer.

Sounds like a good deal to me!

Dr. Gary S. Goodman is a top-ranked negotiation speaker, telemarketing speaker, and customer service speaker at Google, and a distinguished, sought-after sales speaker, motivational speaker, and attorney. President of, he is a frequent TV and radio commentator and the best-selling author of 12 books and more than 1,700 articles that appear in 25,000 publications. President of, Gary conducts seminars and speaks at convention programs around the world. His new audio program is Nightingale-Conant’s “Crystal Clear Communication: How to Explain Anything Clearly in Speech & Writing.” His web site is:, and professional speaking, seminar, and consulting invitations can be addressed to:

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