Panoramic Guitar Suite 1.3.0 – essential application for any guitar player

Full Review : The essential application for any guitar player. Panoramic Guitar Suite contains five essential screens: Chords, Scales, Digital Tuner, Tune by Ear, and a Metronome, making it a great and comprehensive aid for guitarists. Practice, reference or teach by accessing Guitar Suite’s library of over 25000 popular chords. Visual feedback from the extremely accurate Metronome with variable tempo and meter, helps maintain a consistent tempo while practicing. Gimp is a free program that is similar to PhotoShop. Gimp can save graphics as an Windows Icon. Gimp can be downloaded at To insert an icon into your application, select the Icon button within the Application Properties. To get to the properties, click Project, then, “The Application’s Name” Properties. Make sure the Application Tab is clicked on and click Assembly Information. To insert an icon into your window (form) select the icon by clicking on Icon within the form’s properties.

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