Nollywood Movies for Kids : Any Hope In Sight


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the natural child like desire hidden deep down in their hearts, for as Bill Cosby often declared in his closing remarks when he hosted the show “ kids say the darndest things” , ‘there is a child in every man.’ 

It is sad to note that while the list of Hollywood movies for kids is increasing, Nollywood is yet to produce movies for the viewing pleasure of children. Nigerian children only get to technically watch Nollywood movies rated by the National Film and video censors board (NFVCB) to be generally suitable for their ages, where the parents adhere strictly to the classification codes. However, we live in an era where both parents have to work in other to pay the bills, and are hardly at home. Hence, children watch movies not approved for their ages and those shown on cable TV, without parental supervision. They practice what they’ve seen and begin to

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