Mercedes S-Class (Top Gear 8×04) Rus

В восьмом сезоне «Топ Гира» Джереми Кларксон опробовал S-класс Мерседеса и с присущим ему юмором рассказал обо всех тонкостях машины. Семерка и А8 схожи с представленной моделью, а значит сказанное в ролике относится и к ним. На подобных автомобилях можно путешествовать ежедневно до Луны и обратно — про низменные московские пробки я молчу и подавно. Но нет, сложно нашим депутатам в передовых решениях немецких инженеров передвигаться.

In the 1.9 pre-release #3 one of the biggest new additions was the ability to craft or “brew” potions using the brewing stand. However, there are a LOT of possible combinations for making potions and some of them don’t really seem to make a whole lot of sense, and so making potions can be quite confusing and overwhelming. There are currently 9 ingredients that can be used in potioncraft. These include Nether wart, glowstone dust, redstone dust, fermented spider eyes, spider eyes, sugar, ghast tears, blaze powder, and magma cream. There are some recipes listed on the wiki, however not all have been listed. Further, it is much better to understand why you’re doing what you are doing – a deeper understanding means that you have a higher chance of remembering. With all of this in mind, I’ve made a quick, yet comprehensive tutorial video on how to craft potions in Minecraft, explaining everything from how to craft bottles, to explaining some of the more complex recipes. Forum Topic: Follow me: Website – Facebook – Google+ – Blogger – Tumblr – Donate:
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