Magic Tricks You Can Do With Ease


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Magic Tricks You Can Do With Ease

Criss Angel and David Copperfield are two of the most famous magicians in entertainment. Their performances have renewed interest in magic tricks and they regularly draw huge crowds to their shows.

If you want to be a master magician, there are simple magic tricks you can do at home. In this article, we’ll show you a few techniques that will help you astound your audience.

For the “Film Prediction” trick, ask several people to each name a movie and you write each of the titles on sperate slips of paper. Fold the pieces of paper and throw them into a container. After writing down the titles, you write the name of one of the films on a final slip and show it to everyone.

Have a volunteer reach into the container, randomly select a piece of paper and read it aloud. It will be the movie you predicted. How is


this possible? When the first volunteer names a movie, say “Pirates Of The Caribbean”, write it down.

When the other volunteers name a movie, you continue to write “Pirates Of The Caribbean” on each slip of paper. This is the secret. Just be casual about it make sure no one sees what you’re writing!

One of the easiest magic tricks to perform is called “Cold As Ice”. This takes a little preparation but is very simple to do. Pour some water into a cup and whisper magical words. When you turn over the cup, all that comes out is a chunk of ice!

The secret is the cup contains a sponge that absorbs the water and prevents the water from spilling out. The ice is already on top of the sponge and simply falls out. Beforehand, stuff the sponge into the mug and make sure that it rests on the bottom.

Place the ice on


top and you’re ready to go. Before you perform the trick, you’ll have to experiment with the amount of water to pour into the mug. The more water that you pour in, the more impressive the trick will be, but beware, if you pour too much water into the cup the sponge won’t be able to absorb it all.

These are simple magic tricks but there are a few things that can make your act seem like it came straight from a magical world! Remember that a magician never shares his secrets.

Resist the temptation to reveal how the trick worked and never do the same trick more than once for the same audience. It makes it too easy for the audience to guess how it was done.

Wherever you can, borrow the objects from the audience. Borrowing from the audience makes it seem like the magician hasn’t had time to do anything sneaky to the item.


Creating the magical aura of illusions can make you a hit at any gathering but it’s important that you practice your magic tricks first. Never do a trick in front of an audience unless you are thoroughly familiar with the routine.

It’s also important to be lively and enthusiastic while you’re performing. Your excitement will be contagious and your audience will enjoy themselves as well as being impressed with your amazing skills.

Would you like to magically fool someone ? Learn more about the ease of magic tricks list at Mike Selvon portal. While you are there leave is a comment at our magic tricks blog, and receive your FREE gift.

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