Magic Tricks You Can Do With Ease


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Magic Tricks You Can Do With Ease

Criss Angel and David Copperfield are two of the most famous magicians in entertainment. Their performances have renewed interest in magic tricks and they regularly draw huge crowds to their shows.

If you want to be a master magician, there are simple magic tricks you can do at home. In this article, we’ll show you a few techniques that will help you astound your audience.

For the “Film Prediction” trick, ask several people to each name a movie and you write each of the titles on sperate slips of paper. Fold the pieces of paper and throw them into a container. After writing down the titles, you write the name of one of the films on a final slip and show it to everyone.

Have a volunteer reach into the container, randomly select a piece of paper and read it aloud. It will be the movie you predicted. How is

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