Lastest Movie Making Effects News

Movie FX
movie making effects
Image by Ric e Ette
Picture taken at the "Maker Faire 2008" (San Mateo, CA) – a collection of creative, weird, and sometimes useless (but always interesting) inventions, exhibits and art performances. Check out the other pictures in this set.


[Gary Barth] lives locally (in San Carlos) and produces a line of Special Effects DVDs that are taught by Hollywood professionals. Each DVD is 3 hours long and has multiple lessons on various techniques including molding, casting, painting, teethmaking, sculpting, prop-making, makeup, and so on. Check out the movie prop decorations and live makeup demos as well!

Efeitos especiais para cinema.

Foto tirada na "Maker Faire 2008" (em San Mateo, Califórnia) – uma feira repleta de criativas, supreendentes, e algumas vezes inúteis (mas sempre interessantes) invenções, mostras e exibições de arte. Confira as outras fotos deste álbum.

Dinner for Schmucks (Blu-ray)
Recommended THE FILM “Dinner from Schmucks” is the type of comedy that doesn’t understand the proper time to take a bow and exit the stage. It’s a funny picture that pays careful attention to the rituals of dumb guy cinema, but if there ever was a film that could’ve been a miracle at 80 minutes, it’s this movie. Instead, matters meander for nearly two hours, diminishing a pure expression of …
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